Material flow analysis and data envelopment analysis based regional eco-efficiency analysis: case study of Jiangsu Province 基于物质流分析和数据包络分析的区域生态效率评价&以江苏省为例
Material for analysis will include linguistic data, texts, audio and video recordings, and films. 分析的工具包括语言上的资料、文本,声音或影像的纪录,以及电影。
Under the practical project background, the author participated in the exploitation of the material information system, the main job is the analysis and programming of the material plan and the data processing associated with the stock control. 结合云南华能澜沧江水电有限公司管理信息系统(YLC-MIS)的实际项目背景,作者参与开发了物资管理信息子系统,主要参与库存控制相关的物资计划以及相关数据分析程序的编制工作。
Therefore, before the application of dam safety monitoring material, we should do judgment and processing with the abnormal values, eliminate the false and retain the true to make the analysis job done in the reliable data foundation. 因此,在应用大坝安全监测资料前,应对其中的异常测值进行判断和处理,去伪存真,使分析工作建立在可靠的数据的基础上。
Regarding anisotropic material ( including orthogonal aeolotropy) crack expansion question analysis and research, the people although have done the massive research work, but accumulates data is actually limited. 对于各向异性介质(包括正交各向异性)中裂纹扩展问题的分析和研究,人们虽已做过大量的研究工作,但所积累的资料却十分有限。
This paper choose the experiment section in Jining-Fengzhen section from 208 expressways, carry on the density experiment of the roadbed material, collect and analysis other relevant data of the roadbed material. 本文在208高速公路集宁至丰镇段内选取实验段,进行路基材料的密度实验,收集并分析了路基材料的其它相关资料。
Unit of test with enlarged scale, process flow and raw material specification were introduced for making potassium sulfate by solvent method, through the analysis of reaction process, optimal process condition was determined, material, energy consume and gain were evaluated for the experimental data. 介绍了溶剂法制取硫酸钾扩大试验的装置、工艺流程和原料规格,通过对反应过程的分析,确定了最佳工艺条件,对实验数据进行了物料、能耗和收益计算。
The material analysis and data settlement are handled with the research methods of quality and quantity. 资料分析和数据处理运用了定性和定量的研究方法。
Some features about the energy deposition micro-specialty of proton in tissue equivalent material were gained through the analysis to the data from calculation. 通过对计算所得数据进行系统分析,得出质子在组织等效材料中能量沉积微观特性的一些规律与特点。
At the same time, to calculate the initial earth stress and material property, inverse analysis was used according to the data by inspected and measured on the site. 同时利用反分析方法,根据现场监测数据,反演岩体由于自重产生的初始地应力和材料特性,得到仿真分析所需的基础资料。
PDP industry development makes that study on luminescence material focus on PDP phosphor,. Accurate and reliable analysis data about spectrum character is the foundation of luminescence material study. PDP产业的发展使PDP荧光粉研究成为发光材料研究的热点,准确可靠的光谱特性分析数据是荧光材料研究的基础。
Experimental study for chip granularity is conducting through changing raw material moisture content, cutting rotated speed and cutting gap. Also variance analysis and grey correlative analysis are done with these data. 通过改变原料含水率、切削速度、切削间隙等因素对削片质量进行试验研究,并对数据进行方差分析和灰色关联度分析。
Obviously, the way of experiment costs very large manpower and material resource, mathematical model analysis is mainly based on experiment data and experience to construct its mathematical model, subsequently make analysis, thus error is unavoidable. 很显然,试验的方法需要花费很大的人力、物力,数学模型分析方法主要是依据实验数据及经验建立相应的数学模型,再进行分析,误差存在是难以避免的。
The construction material management business made specific business requirements analysis, detailed system need to be addressed. Material management of construction enterprises analyze system architecture, workflow, system functions, data structures and other aspects of the detailed system design. 通过对施工企业物资管理的需求分析,对系统的体系结构、工作流程、系统功能、数据结构等方面进行了详细的系统设计。
This study collected a large number of first-hand material by the method of questionnaire investigation, interview and observation, and through the qualitative and quantitative analysis method, we have arranged and analyzed the collection data. 主要运用了问卷调查、访谈、观察等调查研究研究,收集了大量的第一手资料,并通过定性、定量分析的方法,对收集到的资料进行整理、分析。
It often uses the analogy, the material balance analysis and other technical means to analyze the original data and carry out the assessment in actual evaluation work that reach to the mentioned problems which lack empirical basis about the key data. 在实际评价工作中,上述关键问题的基础数据常采用类比、理论上的物料平衡分析等技术手段开展评价,关键性的数据缺乏实证基础。
It gained market firsthand material through the questionnaire survey, ensured the validity and reliability of the questionnaire data through examination of reliability and validity, and then did multiple regression analysis on questionnaire data. 本文通过问卷调查获得市场一手资料,信度和效度检验确保了问卷数据的有效性和可靠性后,对问卷数据进行了多元回归分析。
This research mainly based on some second-hand material and literature analysis, but also take some C2C websites on advertising to gain some valuable skill data and material. 本次研究主要建立在对一些二手资料的和文献的分析整理上,但也将搜集整理了一些C2C网站上投放的广告以获得一些宝贵的一手数据和资料。
This book not only has pay attention to absorbing academic production which we have got, but also pay attention to the original material, especially the collection and analysis of data. 本文既注重吸收学术界已有的研究成果,更立足于原始材料,尤其注重对数据的收集和分析,通过对资料和数据的分析发掘史实背后所蕴藏的历史规律。
Lily is large and colorful petals is a variety of excellent material, as the angiosperm flower color variation types of larger groups, the phenotypic analysis for evolutionary biology studies provide some reference data. 百合花大且多彩的花瓣是花色研究的绝好材料,作为被子植物花色变异类型较大的类群,对其表型分析将为进化生物学的研究提供一定的参考资料。
Measuring material expressed with mean differences ± standard deviation, use SPSS 17. O software to statistics and analysis for data. Compares between Group and group use repetitive measure the variance analysis and single variable variance analysis. Compares of the one and one use SNK method. 用均数±标准差表示计量资料,数据统计分析用SPSS17.0软件进行,组与组之间比较采用重复测量的方差分析及单变量的方差分析,两两比较采用SNK方法。
The traditional water conservancy informatization management method mostly with Paper tiles material as the main means of recording and analysis of data, and meanwhile, will also use the database for data storage and management. 传统的水利信息化管理方法大多都以纸质的档案资料作为记录和分析数据的主要手段,同时也会借助数据库进行存储和管理数据。